Thursday 30 October 2008

You know things are bad when Joe the Plumber doesn’t show

Joe the Plumber: a staunch Republican? You might have thought so after he voiced his anger recently at Democrat Barack Obama’s proposed tax hit on those who earn over $250,000 a year.

However, it now seems Joe – who has become a leaning post for John McCain over recent weeks – has jumped ship…or missed the boat. I can't decide which.

Rallying today in Ohio, John McCain planned to bring out Joe for his supporters. The only problem was Joe wasn’t anywhere to be found. As the election draws nearer, what does that say about McCain’s presidential hopes?


Anonymous said...

Haha - that's funny. Who has he got left now?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Porn? I have seen the blogmaster in a gay gangbang movie the other day, he was high on pills and was taking cock in every hole, that horny gayass cocksucker son of a bitch.

The author of this blog is dumbass motherfucker, he is a faggyass pillpopping maniac.

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